
Massage from director of Advanced Medical Engineering Research Institute

Based on our long history and rich achievements in medical engineering, we newly established AMERI in April 2022, aligning with the inauguration of Harima-Himeji General Medical Center.

AMERI will bridge the knowledge and technologies of University of Hyogo in engineering, science, human science and environment, information science, and social science with the field of medical engineering. AMERI is also committed to accelerate research and development of medical devices, digital health, etc. through strong collaboration with medical institutes, industry partners, and governmental institutes.

Additionally, we are launching courses in medical engineering open for all department graduate students, fostering interdisciplinary learning and innovation. Furthermore, AMERI is dedicated to supporting the continuous growth of the people in medical and healthcare sector. We provide opportunities for recurrent studies in order to ensure medical and healthcare providers stay well informed of the latest developments in their fields.



Advanced Medical Engineering Research Institute

Message from president of University of Hyogo

In April 2022, the University of Hyogo established the Advanced Medical Engineering Research Institute (AMERI) within the Hyogo Prefectural Harima-Himeji General Medical Center as the University’s fifth attached research institute. Based on research in the field of medical engineering, AMERI will push forward outstanding interdisciplinary research by integrating different disciplines in collaboration with academic institutions, medical institutions and private companies at home and abroad and return the results to society at large through university-launched venture companies and other means.

Under the strong leadership of the globally active Director Shoji Kobashi, the Institute has just begun its journey towards realizing a prosperous and diverse future society and the materialization of ‘well-being’ as stated in the SDGs. We would like to ask for the warm support and encouragement of all concerned. Let us join hands and together accelerate innovation for survival.



University of Hyogo

Message from president of Hyogo Prefectural Harima-Himeji General Medical Center (Harima-Himeji GMC)

Harima-Himeji GMC is one of the largest hospitals in Hyogo prefecture, located on the same site as AMERI. The primary missions of Harima-Himeji GMC include providing emergency clinical care and advanced-specialized medical care, developing resource development, and conducting clinical studies to enhance the medical practices. With over 250 physicians, half of whom possess extensive clinical study experience and hold a PhD., we have already started the collaborative studies with AMERI. In cooperation with AMERI, I am sure that we will make advances in clinical studies for diseases that the current medicine cannot fully address. Additionally, we also aim to develop treatments procedures that can be conducted safely and with high certainty. By integrating the efforts of the two institutes, our goal is to provide better than ever medical care, nursing, and caregiving.



Hyogo Prefectural Harima-Himeji General Medical Center (Harima-Himeji GMC)




Himeji-initiative in computational medical and health technology (HiMED) was established, marking the initiation of medical and healthcare research powered by information technology.



Advanced Medical Engineering Research Center (AMEC) was established, comprising faculty members from engineering, science and nursing departments.

April , 2022


Advanced Medical Engineering Research Institute (AMERI) was established, succeeding AMEC. It now comprises the faculty members from all departments of University of Hyogo. AMERI has entered into a comprehensive collaborative agreement with Hyogo Prefectural Harima-Himeji General Medical Center (HGMC).

Key Features of AMERI

1.       Direct Contact with the Clinical Environment

AMERI is situated within the premises of Harima-Himeji General Medical Center. Here, faculty members of AMERI and medical professionals of HGMC are able to collaborate in the research and development of medical devices, healthcare, nursing, caregiving, and food and nutrition.

2.       Interdisciplinary

AMERI is venturing into a new frontier of medical engineering by fostering connections among all departments and research institutions within University of Hyogo in clinical fields.

3.       Open-Graduate Program

AMERI provides courses covering medical and healthcare devices, nursing and caregiving, as well as food and nutrition for all graduate students across all the departments of University of Hyogo. Additionally, graduate students are able to engage in research at the collaborative and shared laboratories of AMERI.

4.       Center of Collaboration in Research and Development with Medical Institute and Industries

AMERI actively collaborates with industries, particularly local industries, to support research and development in the field of medical and healthcare, leveraging the technologies and knowledge at University of Hyogo. Moreover, AMERI also supports the activities at Innovation Salon, where researchers from industries and medical professionals explore potential new business by discussing the needs of the medical and healthcare personnels.

Research and Education area


Advanced Medical Engineering Research Institute


Professor Syoji Kobashi

Deputy Director  

Professor Takayuki Fujita

(Medical and Healthcare devices division)

Assistant Director

Professor Junko Honda

(Nursing and Caregiving division)

Assistant Director

Professor Mikiko Ito

(Food and Nutrition division)

Medical-Industry-Academia Exchange Office


Professor Takayuki Fujita

Deputy Chief 

Associate Professor Naomi Yagi


Toshiki Okamoto

Yukio Hamagichi

Innovation Salon

Salon Manager

Professor Yutaka Hata

Deputy Salon Manager 

Professor Reiko Sakashita

Professor Hayato Uchida

Research administrator

Mitsuo Fujita

Medical and Healthcare devices division
  • Professor Osamu Kawanami (2)
  • Professor Syoji Kobashi (2)
  • Professor Yasuhiro Go (3)
  • Professor Naohisa Takagaki (2)
  • Professor Takemura Tadamasa (3)
  • Professor Yutaka Hata (3)
  • Professor Ryo Haraguchi (3)
  • Professor Takayuki Fujita (1)
  • Professor Atsuo Miyazawa (4)
  • Professor Tomoyuki Yasukawa (4)
  • Professor Rashed Essam (3)
  • Associate Professor Masato Suzuki (4)
  • Associate Professor Masakazu Morimoto (2)
  • Associate Professor Naomi Yagi (1)
  • Associate Professor Yushi Isozaki (4)
  • Assistant professor Yuri Nishino (4)
  • Assistant professor Daisuke Fujita (2)
The nursing and Caregiving division
  • Professor Hayato Uchida (5)
  • Professor Yuko Kawasaki (6)
  • Professor Reiko Sakashita (6)
  • Professor Junko Honda (7)
  • Professor Makiko Muya (6)
  • Associate Professor Rie Oe (6)
  • Associate Professor Manabu Nii (2)
  • Senior Lecturer Makoto Tsukuda (6)
  • Assistant professor Yoshiyasu Ito (6)
  • Assistant professor Eiko Nakanishi (6)
Food and Nutrition division
  • Professor Mikiko Ito (5)
  • Professor Kaoru Sakamoto (5)
  • Professor Masaru Yoshida (5)
  • Professor Miki Yoshimura (5)
  • Associate Professor Makiko Nakade (5)
  • Assistant professor Ryoko Shimada (5)
  • Assistant professor Sarasa Tanaka (5)


1AMERI5School of Human Science and Environment
2School of Engineering6School of Nursing
3School of Social Information Science7Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community
4School of Science


Advanced Medical Engineering Research Institute (AMERI)


Education and training Bld.3F Harima-Himeji General Medical Center,

3-264, Kamiya, Himeji 670-0836 JAPAN

